
Routes 010: Unkey

Routes is back and this week we’ve got Bristol’s Unkey talking us through some of his early history including soundclashing his brother, sampling Santana and being convinced by Peverelist to buy his first dubstep record. […]


GetDarker Meets EshOne

To celebrate the release of his Monopoly EP on J:Kenzo’s Artikal Music UK imprint GetDarker caught up with EshOne for a brief chat about his production techniques, the US scene and living in the wilderness of New Mexico. […]


Routes 009: DjRum

For our 9th Routes episode the one and only DjRum offered us his 12 tracks that have influenced and inspired his productions down the years. “I’ve really focused on tracks that have influenced my production […]


Vinyl’s Difficult Comeback

In the first half of 2014, officially registered sales of vinyl in the US stood at around 4m, confirming an increase of more than 40% compared to the same period in 2013. In the UK, this year’s accredited sales will come in at around 1.2m, more than 50% up on last year. […]