Tectonic welcome Dark Sky to the fold with 2 killer tracks, ‘Confunktion’ and ‘Double U’.
‘Confunktion’ (sample below) builds from a background of subtle atmospherics, rising slowly before eventually leaping out ambush style, ready to catch you off guard, slamming straight into the action. Sculptured tech-bass sounds carve their way through the 130bpm, 4/4 rhythmic backbone, building and dropping down before re-emerging again fuller, with emotive charge. Killer dancefloor moves that cut right through typical musical boundaries.
Flip then for ‘Double U’ which takes a more playful stance than the serious tones of ‘Confunktion’. The rhythm builds with mischievous intent, bleeping, popping like a bongo drum full of electronic popping corn! Pounding sub bass pulls everything into order allowing the groove to swing about with cheerful swagger. Totally unique, excellent party music.
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