It’s the EP we’ve been waiting for. We’ve had the promo’s of this banger of an EP for a couple of weeks, and sent regular emails to hound the Sub Soldiers crew to allow us to blast this for them…..
As they’ve expressed in interviews, Caspa & Rusko’s reunion is nothing but a vibe thing, a fun thing and a long game thing. Everything about this project is real and done on their own terms and rules as they make the music they want to make, play the shows they want to play and deliver the releases when they want to.
Preview the full EP here:
Buy iTunes: bit.ly/SUBSOL016 + All Good Stores
1. Fruity Loops
2. Arms House
3. Brixton Blow Out (Rubber Dub)
We ignite with ‘Fruity Loops’. A nostalgic flex down DAW memory lane with full focus on the grime aesthetic that’s been inspiring the duo in recent times, prepare for a bombardment of eski slaps, snaps and double snare taps. With latent funk programmed deep into the groove, this shakes up any dance scenario from the tippy top right the way down to the batty.
In contrast ‘Arms House’ sharpens the gun fingers to dangerous points as the pair carve out a subtle-but-savage underground stepper. All rolling percussion, off-beat bass and sudden aggy samples, it’s a heads-down workout that takes us deep, deep DEEP into their collective mindset.
We conclude with ‘Brixton Blow Out (Rubber Dub)’. Putting the dub back into dubstep, it’s a shimmering, smoky skanker with a rootsical dynamic that takes us back to the source where elements of Augustus, Scientist and Tubby can be found deep in the crisp instrumentation and dreamy melody.
From grime influences to classic dub, this sums up Caspa & Rusko’s shared vision perfectly. Stay tuned: There’s plenty more where this came from!
Weak collaboration. Doesn’t sound anything like fresh or vibe inducing. Very flat comparing to today sounds and forward movement.
Interesting opinion. Could argue ‘todays sounds are all too similar’ and this is original and refreshing!
From that point of view I could agree with you, maybe I’m just too much into sounds with feelings rather than party hard/ I’m so drunk moments.
All good bro. We appreciate your opinion!