As the iconic Dubstep Warz show hosted by Mary Anne Hobbs turns 15 years old, Mala caught up with some of dubstep’s originators to reflect and celebrate the pioneering sounds of the original scene. Music […]
1 Comment
Thank you. Very interesting prog. It represents a strand of club / dub music I was aware of but not – then – a fan, so it’s good to catch up and get re-educated. Sold my ‘Misty In Roots’ album in the late 80s’ though. (Hand-over-face).
Thank you. Very interesting prog. It represents a strand of club / dub music I was aware of but not – then – a fan, so it’s good to catch up and get re-educated. Sold my ‘Misty In Roots’ album in the late 80s’ though. (Hand-over-face).