Cutting your own vinyl is only something thats ever been dreamed of….well, until now! Subject to required funding, a desktop DIY vinyl cutting machine is almost ready for completion. The good news…..the funding (and more) is in!
Paul Butler Tayar and his team at Machina Pro wanted to raise AUD$10,000 to bring the Desktop Record Cutter to market. They hoped to “democratise the cutting process” with what they call a ‘turn-key’ stereo cutting system, which lets you simply plug in your audio and cut straight to vinyl.
Well…..the project has received AUD$33,953 (£17,900) of the team’s $10,000 goal. “I’ve barely stopped for air, but we are on schedule for release early next year,” the latest update states. “Focus for the last 8 days has been on sound (which has been refreshing)… the (analog) cutting path is half way there and the turntable system is 90% complete.”
The projected sale price for the machine is USD$6,500, but the more money pledged the lower the price will drop.
Un-dressed platter
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I live in San Francisco and am a regular in the DJ scene. I’ve been trying to find a way to support myself in a more acceptable way and I think this could be my best bet. I went to school for entrepreneurship and have a respect for small businesses. I think why your doing is brilliant! Please Please Please get me more detailed info on this and let me know when this is going to become available. I want one immediately. And wouldn’t mind being a service tech for the area. Hope to hear from you soon and good luck with your project!